Sep 7, 2012
Tapped: Braddock
You may have already heard some buzz about the Tapped pop-up beer gardens that have been, um, popping up around Pitt...
Sep 1, 2012
Hartwood Beer Dinner, Round 2
We have been graciously invited back to the Hartwood Restaurant in Glenshaw for another beer dinner on Tuesday, Sept...
Aug 27, 2012
Bocktown Tasting
We have a beer tasting at Bocktown in Robinson this Wednesday, August 29th at 6:00 pm!
We will be serving Whit...
Jul 22, 2012
We’ve got a lot planned for the coming months. I think it would be best for all parties involved if I just bulletpoin...
Apr 25, 2012
Dinner @ Hartwood
A quick anecdote: In 2010, British band Mumford & Sons played the Reading Music Festival, following the release o...
Apr 9, 2012
Beer Dinner No. 1
After a long and intense day of prep work, cooking, serving, and sermonizing about beer pairings, we’re extremely gla...